Hello everyone! It’s Mindi from Thailand.
Last year I participated as a cast member in Asian Beat Online a.k.a. ABO. Being invited from Yukachin (Yuka Shimabayashi, program moderator), this year I decided to be a part of ABO4 as a position of staff member. It’s been two months that 10 staff members from Japan, Indonesia, and South Korea meeting up in every Tuesday nights via Zoom. This is my thoughts about the program that I would like to share so you will understand what ABO is and how awesome it is!

We got to know each other more though sharing our personalities. It was amazing that everyone shared impression to each other, and I found that everyone has their own unique points. Something that you think it might be a weakness of yours, it could actually be a good quality to others.
The Cast Orientation was held on 23,24,30 April 2022. Staff members planed for various activities which mainly focused on self expression and hopefully the candidates could feel ABO vibe. This was my first time running activity! Super nervous but it went pretty okay. I can clearly see that all staff members put their efforts to make ABO4 lively and meaningful. Couldn’t be better when candidates said that they had a good time during the orientation.

After the Cast Orientation was over, we continued planning for the main program. Cast and staff members from all over Asia will experience 3-weekend activities that we can express ourselves and learn new cultures. Participants will be divided into families (small group of people from different countries) and do family mission together. Unlike other ABO programs, this time each family has an opportunity to make their own performance. I really look forward to this!
If you ask me what makes ABO so special, well.. I can feel that we have something in common. Perhaps open-minded personality. During the meeting, we usually express our thoughts and feelings and everybody just mindfully listen. We are willing to volunteer and support each other. Even we come from different life backgrounds, it seems like we are family.
3 words describing ABO

Apart from online activities, the staff members decided to send one card to everyone’s houses. I’m so excited about this as well! An also in this June, the program would be held on-site in Kyoto so all ABO members can meet each other in person for real! Unfortunately I couldn’t join this event but I truly believe that I will receive a warm welcome next time when possible.
At first, practicing communication skill was my aim to join this program. However it turned out that making long-lasting friendship would be my main goal instead! I wouldn’t regret spending my spare time with this program. Being ABO member is my best experience during the pandemic. And I hope it would do so to you.
今回は、このプログラムに対する私の考えを綴り、皆さんにABO(ASIAN BEAT Online)プログラムの魅力についてお伝えできればと思います。



ABO4はオンラインプログラムではありますが、少しでもリアルを感じるため、今回、スタッフ間で手紙の贈り合いをしよう!ということになりました。届くのが楽しみです。そして、極めつけは、、、今年6月にJapan Assemblyという京都でのABO同窓会を計画しています。実際に会うことができるかもしれません!残念ながら私は今回参加できないのですが、次は必ず行けると信じています。