【ASIAN BEAT Online1】 キャストの感想 〜世界と繋がる!楽しい!~

※English below



[ASIAN BEAT Online 1] Cast impression
〜Wonderful time with new friends〜
Hi, everyone!
I’m Mizuho Sakaue (Mizu), a cast member of Asian Beat Online.
Thanks to the staff and cast members, we have finished this one-month program successfully.
I was a little nervous at the beginning because, unlike everyday life, it was difficult to go and talk to somebody online. As soon as the program started, I got very excited to get to know each other more and become close friends with the members from different countries.
I learned a lot of things by sharing about our culture, and sometimes I discovered similar points that I haven’t expected. It was also interesting to listen to languages of different countries.
Every week, we gradually spread the circle of communication, and came together as “One Great Team”.
In the program, we were each assigned to a “family” (a small group) to get along with everyone. I enjoyed talking with my “family” members very much.
One of the activities that impressed me was the “tree activity”. We brainstormed things that we like to do, and considered the reason why. This helped me understand myself and notice what I think deep in my mind. In the video, we tried to express the importance of noticing the things we already have, even though we face difficulties in life. I hope we can share our feelings and thoughts through the video.
Besides the main program, we had a town tour. Some of the members showed us around. The scenery, the sound, and everything were wonderful. I hope I can visit there someday. Although it was an online tour, I enjoyed the atmosphere of traveling to another country, and I felt the world closer than before.
On the last day of the program, we looked back on the past month, and shared what we want to try for our next step. Even if we are in a different part of the world, I believe that everyone can be a great support for somebody. I want to treasure the relationship with others from now and forever.
The program ended with a smile saying, “Let’s see each other again!” I hope I can meet another new world!