【ASIAN BEAT Online 3】を終えて参加者が感じたことは?What did the participants feel after finishing ASIAN BEAT Online 3?
Hello, this is Haruna Kobayashi, an Asian Beat Online staff member!
「Make life-long Friends to meet in our FUTURE!(未来に続く生涯のともだちを作ろう)」という目標にむかって進めたASIAN BEAT Online 3のプログラム。前回のブログではプログラム内容をお伝えしましたが、今回は、プログラムを通じて参加したスタッフやキャストがなにを感じたのかをお届けします。
The ASIAN BEAT Online 3 program aimed at the goal of “Make life-long Friends to meet in our FUTURE!”. In the previous blog, we shared the contents of the program, but this time we will tell you what the staff and the cast members who participated in the program felt.

“Respect, Acceptance, Love, Positive vibes”
I learned how to exercise leadership as a staff member.
Friendship over borders is possible. Even it’s only held for 3 weeks, I believe it’s gonna be forever.
Everyone has the same heart even if we are in different countries.
I learned a process of getting to know each other and becoming friends in a short period of time and under limited conditions.
I’m very grateful from many lessons through this program.
We can have a better understanding of each other. In addition to that, I learnt how to connect with other and open my heart more🥰
Even though we could not go abroad, nor speak different languages, nor immediately understand the culture of the other person, each person has spent time thinking about the other person and overcoming the barriers of language and being online. From their comments, I feel that they made friends whom they want to meet again someday!

Yes as a staff:9名
Yes as a cast:11名
I am glad to know that more than half of the staff and the cast members are interested in this program and want to participate in it again! When a plan for 2022 is decided, we will report it on this HP.
Those who are experienced people and also who want to participate for the first time are more than welcome. Please check it out.
Let’s create a fun and valuable program together!

The Asian Beat has toured actual visits to various parts of Asia until 2019. By traveling together, we have deepened our relationships by experiencing each other’s culture and customs, communicating with local citizens through performances, and expanding our connections with people. It is not possible now due to the influence of Coronavirus, but I am impressed to know that there are so many people who want to invite and host Asian friends from other countries in their own country if the offline “real tour” can be revived, “Meet someday”, this is a strong desire from Asian Beat Online and we definitely want to achieve it. At that time, we want to laugh together, sing, dance and rejoice in the reunion.
2021 has been a difficult year for all international exchange communities, but we are delighted to find hope and to have a wonderful program called the Asian Beat Online, and we would like to thank everyone for your support.
Next year 2022, we will continue to create programs that various people can enjoy freely in their own way, so please check out the Asian Beat HP.